Hạnh Nguyễn | Chat Online
10/04/2022 18:33:04

Read thte folowing passage and decide yf the statements hat follow are TRUE or FALSE

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Part 7: Read thte folowing passage and decide yf the statements hat follow are TRUE or
FALSE (1,0 m)
Big cities have problems with, crowded streets, congested traffic, noise and air polhition. Every
day, thousands of velicles fill the sțeets, especially. during rush hours. The large numbers of
tars, buses and trucks cause so much congestion. No vehicles can move in any direction
Parking is another problem. There are not enough parking facilities, and when cars try to park
on the streets, there is not enough room for traffic. Finally, the traffic adds to the problem of air
and noise pollution.
1. In big cities, there is a lot of traffic during nush hours.
2. It is not difficult to park cars on the streets in big cities.
3. The traffic also causes air and noise pollutio.
4. Cars, buses and trucks cause little congestion.
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