Quốc Đại Phạm Lê | Chat Online
29/10/2023 15:24:43

Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that best fits each

Giúp mình nhanh lên ai giúp nhanh được 5 điểm 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
5 p.m.
....... the bookshelf
the living room.
Exercise 9: Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that best fits each
You can't see our house (86)........... here because it is (87)........... the church. When you walk up
Prince Street, it is (88)........... the left, next (89) ........... the Black Cat Cafe.
My room is upstairs (90)........... the right. I have a desk (91) ...........front (92) ........... the window. And I
like looking out because our house is (93).. the park. My desk is (94)...the bed (95) ....
A. on
A. on
A. at
A. in
A. behind
A. next
A. about
B from
C. in
B. behind
C. in
B) in
C. on
B. at
C. on
B. in
C. next
B. on
C. at
B. with
C. on
B. on
C. from
B. between
C. at
A. and
B. on
C. in
Exercise 10: Read the passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that but
Vicky Ca
A. next
A. in
D. behind
Ď. under
D. to
D. on
D. in
D. of
D. near
D. on
D. behind
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