michel kaiser | Chat Online
06/12/2023 23:20:38

Which of the following is a good tittle for the passage?

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Câu 17. Which of the following is a good tittle for the passage?
A. Making a phone call in Britain last century
B. Britain's first phone call in 1950
C. How emails changed the world
D. How expensive it was to call abroad
Câu 18. Which of the following is TRUE about the village phone box?
A. It was an important part of the village shop.
B. It is a style you don't see much in Britain now.
C. It was very expensive to enter and use.
D. It was a place where you always had to wait.
Câu 19. The writer and her friend
A. talked on the phone a lot.
B. only talked after school.
C. had to pay large phone bills.
D. didn't care about phone calls.
Câu 20. During the 1970s and 1980s,
A almost everyone had a phone.
B. it was quite cheap to call to someone abroad.
C. letters were no longer the main form of communication.
D. people began to make many calls.
Câu 21. What does the phrase "cost a fortune" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A. was a waste of time
D. was late to pay
B. was very expensive C. was quite cheap
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