dore mon | Chat Online
28/11/2019 21:32:56

Rewrite the sentences

1.     When I (reach) the school this morning, the bell (ring) and all the people (walk) into the classroom.

2.     When I (see) Carol at the party, she (talk) with her friend.

3.     How you (cut) your finger? I (cook) dinner and I (drop) the knife.

4.     We (meet) while we (study) in Liverpool.

5.     The thief (take) the money when the staff (have) lunch.

6.     When I (be) in India last year, I (be) bitten by a snake.

7.     Guess what! I (see) Alan at the station yesterday.

8.     They (go) home after they (finish) their work.

9.     After they had gone, I (sit) down and (rest).

10.  Before she (watch) T.V, she (do) her homework.

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