Read about Michelle and Kenji and choose the correct answerI. Read about Michelle and Kenji and choose the correct answer. Linking the World Because of the Internet, people from all over the world can now be friends even if they never meet. Michelle and Kenji are online friends. They tell us how they use their computers. Michelle, 15, New York, USA "When I'm doing a school project, I use my computer to go online and search the Internet for information. Then I write the project on the computer. Right now I'm doing one on the Brazilian rainforest. If I find some good photos, I'll include them. And, of course, I use my computer to stay in touch with friends like Kenji" Kenji, 14, Manchester, UK “I'm on my computer from eight until ten o'clock every evening. I use it to chat to Michelle, play games, to check the latest football news and to chat about my favourite team, Manchester City. If they win the match this Saturday, I'll be really happy. Unfortunately, Michelle is a Manchester United supporter!" 1. Michelle and Kenji are . A. brother and sister B. friends 2. They . A. meet once or twice a week B. have never met 3. Michelle talks to Kenji . A. online B. on her mobile phone 4. When she does school projects, Michelle usually . A. takes her own photos B. finds photos on the Internet 5. Kenji goes online . A.every morning B. every evening. 6. Michelle and Kenji often chat about . A. football B. their school projects 7. Kenji supports . A. Manchester United B. Manchester City 8. Both of them use the Internet . keep in touch with their friends B. for their study |