Nguyễn Ngọc Nam | Chat Online
24/03/2022 12:55:22

Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others

I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. (1m)

1. A. cap

B. strange B. wear

C. absent C. headache

D. balance D. healthy

2. A. steam

3. A. cyclist

B. surface

C. ocean

D. nice

4. A. played

B. wanted

C. visited

D. needed

II. Circle the best answers to complete the following sentences. (3.0ms)

1. What ..... students............last night?



C. are...doing..


2. They like playing soccer every day and So.......

A. we do

B. do we

C. are we

D. we are

3. My brother

drinks......... than my father.

A. few

B. fewer

C. little

D. less


..........terrible weather!

A. How B. How a

C. What

D. What a

5. She

me on the street yesterday. C. saw

A. Sees

B. to see

D. is seeing

6. Thursday is .... of the week.

A. five

B. the five

C. a fifth

D. the fifth

7. Don't let your friend....

..the present. C. seeing

A. see

B. to see

D. to seeing

8. The children didn't eat meat for lunch and we didn't........ B. too

A. neither 9. Ba plays soccer.

C. so

D. either

A. skillful B. skilful 10. It will take us two hours.......

C. skillfully

D. skillfuly

a cake.

A. make 11. Do you live......... the market?

B. to make

C. make

D. made

A. near to B. next

C. far from

D. from far

12. He must a taxi to work.

A. drive

B. driving

C. to drive

D. drove

III. Put the verbs in the correct form: (1m)

1. My brother (buy).... a new television last month. 2. How often..... ..Nam (play). .....sports?- Once a week.

3. Ha (learn) 4. Minh and Lan (visit) ...

math at the moment.

their friends next Sunday.

IV. Match lines in column A with appropriate lines in column B: (1m) A


1. What do you usually in the evening? 2. Would you like to play tennis, Ha?

a. I have stomachache

b. Yes, I did.

3. What is the matter with you, Ba? 4. Did you learn the lesson about healthy food?

c. We usually watch TV d. I'd love to, but I'm busy now.

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