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02/08/2022 12:27:09

Viết lại câu

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
oll iTel
Cụm cấu trúc chỉ sở...
Viết lại câu
Cấu trúc thích cái gì hơn cái gì
1. I would rather go out for a while than stay at home alone. (prefer)
2. Nancy prefers studying herself to working with friends. (would rather)
3. Mr. Thomas would rather donate to the charity than do the volunteering
work. (prefer)
4. Hero would rather play badminton than do his household
chores. (prefer)
5. Max thinks that staying at home is better than going to clubs.
6. I prefer using a keyboard to writing with a pen. (would rather)
Cấu trúc (to be) + interested in/ fond of/ keen on + Ving
1. He is keen on looking at her smile. (love)
2. He's keen on reading scientific books, his dream's to become a doctor
in the future. (interested)
3. I'm not keen on playing badminton with my friends. I'm interested in
texting with them. (like/ fancy)
4. Is Mike interested in playing table tennis. (enjoy)
5. My brother and I don't like learning Math. (fond)
6. Does your father fancy reading newspaper? (interested)
7. Ms. Hoa doesn't enjoy eating meat because she is a vegetarian. (fond)
8. Do you love writing poem? (keen)
Cấu trúc dành thời gian vào việc gì
1. She spends a lot of time cleaning her classroom. (take)
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