Linh Phùng | Chat Online
14/04 12:26:44

Choose the best answer to complete the question

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Question 69: The doctor was sued for bad treatment.
A. mistreatment
B. malpractice C. misdemeanour D. maltreatment
Question 70: Laws on military service since 1960 still hold good.
A. is in good condition
C. stands in life
B. remains for good
D. remains in effect
Question 71: In astronomy, a scale of magnitude from one to six denotes the brightness of astar.
A. signifies B. predicts C. contrasts D. examines
Question 72 Don't you ever mention that matter again. I will not hear anything of it.
A. touch on B. put off
Question 73: It was too late to
A. enthralled B. ensured
C. take in D. go on
stop the panic that had resulted from the false news report.
C. ensued
D. entailed
Question 74: The newscaster gave a concise account of the strategy.
A. complicated and intricate
C. sad and depressing
B. short and clear
D. long and detailed20
Question 75: Married couples can get a divorce if they find they are not compatible.
A. able to share an apartment or house
C. capable of living harmoniously
B. able to budget their money
D. capable of having children
Question 76: Fruit is customarily treated with sulfur prior to drying to reduce any color change.
A. previous to B. at the time of C. in front of D. subsequent to
Question 77: There is no thing to make it likely or certain that he will be at the party.
A. proof B. promise C. guarantee
D. fact
Question 78: The dog is not well. We have to take it to see the person who treats sick animals.
A. zoologist B. horticulturist C. veterinarian D. veteran
Question 79: In Africa, many children die from not having enough food.
A. poverty B. starvation
C. drought D. malnutrition
D. condensed
Question 80: Give me a not long account of what happened.
A. compact B. terse
C. brief
Question 81: The three-year-old boy has a cycle with three wheels.
A. tricycle
B. unicycle C. bicycle D. motorcycle
Question 82: The cotton gin was commonplace on many nineteenth century farms.
A. often required B. sorely needed C. frequently seen D. visibly absent
Question 83: In the field of artificial intelligence, scientists study methods for developing computer
programs that display aspects of intelligent behavior.
A. exhibit B. classify C. depend on
D. conform to
Question 84: She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him.
A. had a temperature B. kept her temper C. became very angry
D. felt worried
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