Ejio Nguyễn | Chat Online
24/08/2019 22:35:07

He wanted (play) a new computer game. Mr Smith postponed (pay) a visit to London. Did you enjoy (go) out with them last night?

1. He wanted (play) a new computer game.
2. Mr. Smith postponed (pay) a visit to London.
3. Did you enjoy (go) out with them last night?
4. I remember (put) the book on the table, but where is it now?
5. The manager arranges (meet) us every Friday morning
6. Did she promise (help) you?
7. Jane is good at (tell) jokes
8. I remember when you tried (climb) that wall to escape from the burning room
9. I find it hard to understand why you like (read) those novels.
10. He loves ( garden) because it gives him a feeling of (do) something useful.
11. The restaurant we intend (eat) at very nice
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