Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
30/08/2019 19:49:21

The gate is to high for me to reach

Review these sentence , keeping the meaning unchaneged
1.the gate is to high for me to reach
=i am not
2.what alovely smile you have
=how lovely takes me two hours to watch television every day
=i spend
4. tam is not strong.he can't lift that heavy luggage
=tam is not
5.the question is very easy. all of the students can answer it
=the question is
6. peter is still young so he can't swim in the swimming pool for adults
=peter is not
7.the gate is too short for the truck to go through
=the gate is not
8they are very intelligent . they can speak four languages
=they are
9.he can't reach the top of the wardrobe because he is stilla big short
=he is not
10.she runs so fast that the won the first prize of the competition
she rus fast
11. they spoke very quickly . i couldn't understand what they said
=they spoke
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