Anonymous - Người dùng ẩn danh
06/12/2019 18:16:36

Choose the best answer by circling A; B; C or D: My friend and ...... went for a walk

I. choose the best answer by circling A,B,C or D
1. My friend and ...... went for a walk.
A. me             B. i             C. my                     D. mine
2. there is race-meeting almost ............ day of the year.
A. every         B. a         C. all                      D. the
3.i don't think you would ....................... me a lie.
A. say            B. tell             C. speak          D. talk
4. do you know the beautiful lady ...............................?
A. sit in the car           B. sitting in the car              C. sits in the car                D. is sitting in the car
5. he is sad because he ...................... all his money.
A. lose         B. lost                 C. has lost                     D. was lost
6.never....................... such an anusual sight !
A. i saw               B. i have seen            C. i am seeing     D. have i seen 
7.he was tired so he ........................ down for a little while.
A. lay                B. lie                     C. stay                      D. remain
8. she spoke much better than i ..................... ..
A. was            B. do            C. am                            D. did
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