Kiraaa๖ۣۜ๔๏tl۝ঔৣ✞²⁴ʱ | Chat Online
31/08/2021 10:07:17

Choose the best word or phrase that best complete each sentence below

Question 1-10: Choose the best word or phrase that best complete each sentence below
1. I received a letter ……….my friend
a. to b. on c. in d. from
2. He is a hard- working student who always ………good grade
a. received b. got c. gets d. getting
3. Bell demonstrated his ……… the public at countless exhibitions
a. to invent b. invention c. inventing d. invented
6. The Eiffel Tower was designed ……..the French civil engineer Alexander Gustave Eiffel ……..the Paris World’s Fair of 1889
a. by-for b. by –in c. by-on d. by –into
7. You are a tourist on …… in HCM City
a. Journey b. traveling c. vacation d .trip
8 .Would you mind if I……..a photo
a. to take b .take c .taken d. took
9 . They have to make………..then children do not play with matches
a. ensure b. sure c. sure d.. ensuring
10. TV……… information and entertainment
a. to take b. gives c .brings d .makes
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