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03/10/2021 18:57:09

Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống

nhanh nha mình cần gấp cảm ơn mn
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
3 Play Bingo. Use the words below to fill in the blank after each item. Cross out each word
as you use it. Write a definition of the word that's left.
1. Cross out the word that means very dirty.
2. Cross out the word that describes an animal that might attack you.
3. Cross out the word that describes a snail or a fish.
4. Cross out the word that means absolutely necessary.
5. Cross out the word that describes what a wasp will do if attacked.
6. Cross out the word for something that can cause sickness or death.
7. Cross out the word that means very unpleasant.
8. Cross out the word that describes everything that exists in a
particular environment.
The word that is left is
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