Hà Quang Thắng | Chat Online
02/12/2021 08:35:32

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
U Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. Her hobbies are
..photos and making pottery.
A. making
B. taking
C. doing
D. drawing
2. A. .
..is the person who is so funny and makes people laugh happily.
A. writer
B. singer
C. comedian
D. artist
3. The play will start at the...
.time as yesterday.
C. either
4. I can't play any musical instruments. - can't,.
C. so
A. same
B. too
D. like
A. too
B. either
D. neither
.he can earn lots of money.
C. and
5. He has been famous for 3 years,
A. so
B. because
D. but
6. He has written so many pieces of music. He is a well-known
C. comedian
A. writer
B. poet
D. musician
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