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24/12/2021 22:27:12

Find the word with the different underlined sound

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. Find the word with the different underlined sound
D. cracker
D. clear
D. decigion
D. machine
D. laundry
II. Choose the correct option A, B, C, D to complete the sentences
1. Mary . eating junk food because itť's not good for her health.
D. enjoys
eat much red meat.
D. shouldn't
1. A. hurricane B. sçarf
B. eam
B. televigion
4. A. chemistry B. mechanic
B. sauce
C. çity
C. hear
C. gugar
C. school
C. daughter
2. A. fear
3. А. оссазion
5. A. aunt
A. likes
C. hates
B. loves
2. If you want to live long, you
B. needn't
3. Tim wants to lose weight,
B. and
C. have to
. he began jogging last Saturday.
A. should
A. or
C. but
D. so
4. Hoa" family . in Ha Noi for 10 years.
A. has lived
C. lives
B. is living
5. My friend has decided to use
D. lived
electricity by using more solar
energy instead.
A. more
C. much
B. less
6. Her son wants to become a well-known .
B. actor
D. fewer
. but he has no talent at all.
D. action
C. actress
bottles of mineral water in the fridge.
A. act
7. There.
A. aren't some
8. Would you like .
A. any
A. How much
A. How much
B. are any
C. are some D. is some
-yoghurt and cold water?
C. an
sandwiches are there in your bag?
B. a
D. some
B. How often
C. How many D. How far
pepper does she want?
C. How many D. How long
B. How often
11. Tum the TV off, the show is ..
B. fantastic
12. I think in the future people
C. tiring
outdoor activities.
A. would like to prefe B. will prefer C. prefer
to that famous art gallery three times.
C. were
A. exciting
D. boring
D. prefered
13. They
A. been
B. have been
D. are
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