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07/01/2022 16:05:00

Use the prompts to write sentences, putting the verbs in the present simple passive

giúp mk nha
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Use the prompts to write sentences, putting the verbs in the present simple passive.
1. Cheese/ make/ from milk.
2. The Temple/ visit/ thousands of people/ every year.
3. Toyota cars/ produce/ Toyota Motor Corporation.
4. German/ also/ speak/ at EU meetings.
5. Most newspapers/ print/ on recycled paper.
6. The Imperial Academy/ consider/ the first university in Viet Nam.
7. Three millilitres of water/ add/ to the mixture.
8. The letters/ deliver/ the postman/ at 8 o'clock.
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