Lênhh LiCy | Chat Online
09/01/2022 07:57:51

There …… a lot of expensive furniture in our uncle’s house

31. There …… a lot of expensive furniture in our uncle’s house.

            A. have been               B. are                           C. is                             D. were

32. Each of you …… responsible for this.

            A. are                          B. being                       C. is                             D. be

33. Bill together with his brothers …… to the beach every morning.

            A. going                      B. goes                        C. are                           D. gone

34. Either the monitor or the athletes …… to blame for the bad result.

            A. be                           B. are                           C. is                             D. to be

35. Everyone …… with me about my plans.

            A. agree                       B. agreeing                C. disagree                  D. agrees

36. Tim as well as his relatives …… safe from the hurricane.

            A. be                            B. is                           C. are                           D. being

37. The little boy with his friends …… coming here.

            A. be                            B. is                           C. are                           D. to be

38. Neither Jane nor her classmates nor her boy friend …… the problem .

            A. understands            B. understand             C. not understand       D. understand not

39. The results of Dr. Frank’s experiment …… announced on TV last night.  

            A. is                             B. are                          C. was                                     D. were

40. Fifty minutes …… the maximum length of time allowed for the exam.

            A. is                             B. be                           C. are                           D. were

41. Each of the teachers …… a timetable.

            A. to have                    B. have                       C. having                     D. has

42. The cost of living …… over 10% in the last few years.

            A. rises                        B. has risen                  C. rose                         D. is rising

43. Neither the teacher nor the students …… happy about the test results.

            A. are                          B. is                             C. has                          D. have

44. A number of sheep …… eating grass now.

            A. is                            B. are                           C. was                                     D. were

45. Measles …… sometimes a serious disease.

            A. is                            B. are                           C. being                       D. be  

46. The effects of cigarette smoking …… been proven to be extremely harmful.

            A. has                         B. have                         C. is                             D. are

47. The number of students who …… withdrawn from class this semester …… appalling.    

            A. has/is                      B. have/are                  C. have/is                    D. has/are

48. The exercise on agreement of subjects and verbs …… easy.

            A. are                          B. have                       C. has                           D. is

49. Making cakes and pies …… Mrs. Reed’s specialty.

            A. are                                      B. were                        C. is                             D. be

50. The United Nations …… about 160 nations.

            A. consist of               B. consisting               C. consist                     D. consists of

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