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09/01/2022 11:34:12

Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences

III. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences.

1. The ______________ of lakes, rivers, oceans or underwater causes water pollution.              CONTAMINATE

2. The street doesn’t look __________________ because it has a lot of rubbish.                ATTRACT

3. The music club made so much noise that the __________ complained to its owner.             RESIDE

4. Are all types of pollution _______________ to the health of humans and animals?     HARM

5. The __________________ are concerned about the oil spills in East Sea.               ENVIRONMENT

6. Dumping ________ waste into the lakes and rivers has caused serious water pollution.    INDUSTRY

7. Many people in this area have cholera because they drink ____________ water.                TREAT

8. Raw sewage causes water __________________ in this area.                                  POLLUTE

9. If we use water _______________, more people will have fresh water.                         CARE

10. The polluted water results in the ___________ of many aquatic animals and plants.          DIE

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