Lèo Mồn | Chat Online
15/01/2022 11:14:18

Read the text and answer the questions:

6. Read the text and answer the questions:

In the past few decades, the countryside has experienced lots of changes. Because of population growth, more products are needed. Therefore, more factories have been constructed, and young people have more choice of jobs apart from becoming farmers. When big cities have become more and more polluted, the fresher atmosphere in the countryside attracts more people. Rich people who live in the city for their work often buy a second home in the countryside to spend their weekend and holiday. As a result, the countryside is no longer a small community of rural people. In fact, in many parts of the countryside, there are urban people from nearby cities. Additionally, the introduction of the internet creates more opportunities for increasing rural people's knowledge. Many farmers have used machines for tasks that used to be done by hand, which helps them save labour. In the near future, it is expected that the countryside will gradually become more similar to big cities.

1.   Are there a lot of changes in the countryside?


2. Do young people in the countryside have only one choice of becoming farmers?


3. What is the thing in the countryside that attracts more people ?


4.   How do farmer save labour?


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