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16/01/2022 08:12:06

The Lake District is very popular for holidays all year round

The Lake District is very popular for holidays all year round. Roads leading into the area have been improved in (1) ___________ years. Inside the area itself, however, many roads are (2) _____________ and winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive (3) ____________ roads like this when they are (4) _______________ in ice. For the mountain walker a word of warning – every season visitors (5) ______________ lost or are injured and (6) _____________ to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue teams. This kind of problem can be (7) __________________ by following a few simple rules. When exploring the mountains, wear warm clothing, sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a small (8) _________________ of food. Don’t go (9) ______________ alone and always tell someone where you (10) __________ to go to.
1) a-recent        b-next            c-last            d-close
2) a-thin        b-slim            c-narrow        d-shallow
3) a-along        b-above        c-by            d-in
4) a-wrapped    b-covered        c-drowned        d-filled
5) a-have        b-be            c-make        d-get
6) a-must        b-should        c-need        d-ought
7) a-encouraged    b-prevented        c-arranged        d-organised
8) a-quantity        b-weight        c-length        d-limit
9) a-for        b-by            c-with            d-off
10) a-look        b-seem        c-plan            d-know
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