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16/01/2022 16:14:31

Complete the conversation. Put in the Past Simple negatives and questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
C Negatives and questions (3)
Complete the conversation. Put in the Past Simple negatives and questions.
Claire: ). Did. you. have. (you / have) a nice weekend in Paris?
Yes, thanks. It was good. We looked around and then we saw a show.
(1) .
Claire: What sights (2)
(we / not / try) to do too much.
(you / see)?
We had a look round the Louvre. (3)
(1 / not / know)
there was so much in there.
Claire: And what show (4) .....
- (you / go) to?
Oh, a musical. I forget the name. (5)
Claire: Oh, dear. And (6) .....
(1/ not / like) it.
(Sarah / enjoy) it?
No, not really. But we enjoyed the weekend. Sarah did some shopping, too, but
(7) .
... ( / not / want) to go shopping.
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