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16/01/2022 17:59:50

American English vs British English.Let's see how many words can you distinguish between British English and American English

American English vs British English

Let's see how many words can you distinguish between British English and American English?

Example: In the UK, you play football; in the US, you play soccer.

1. In the UK, you eat biscuits; in the US, you eat ____________.

2. In the UK, you take a lift; in the US, you take an ___________.

3. In the UK, you drive a lorry; in the US, you drive a __________.

4. In the UK, you wear a jumper; in the US, you wear a ________.

5. In the UK, you live with a flat mate; in the US, you live with a __________.

6. In the US bedroom your clothes would be kept in the closet; in the UK, your clothes would be kept in a _________.

7. In the US your address has a zip code, in the UK your address has ____________.

8. In the US your letters and parcels are delivered by the mailman, in the UK it is the ____________.

9. In the US a proctor watches the students during an exam, in the UK it is an ________________.

10. In the US the Principal is in charge of a school, in the UK it is the ____________.

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