Nguyễn Đức Minh | Chat Online
16/01/2022 21:24:31

Read the following passage and mark the letter

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
mechanized "hired land" (24)
engineers have helped the farmers in many ways. For (25)
more effective insecticides, and hybrid seeds which produce (26)
farmers even have computers which help them use their resources more effectively. (27)_ the farm of
today are able to produce much more food with the same amount of labor. This means fewer but larger
farms and fewer but more prosperous farmers.
the farm today, machines provide almost all the power. Modern farmer now have
_horses for pleasure. Besides developing new machinery, scientists and
they have developed stronger fertilizers,
_tastier fruits and vegetable. Some
В. In
B. keep
B. sake
B. smaller
С. of
C. kill
C. need
C. largest
С. But
23. A. On
D. To
24. A. feed
D. have
25. A. sure
D. example
26. A. larger
D. smallest
27. A. As a result
B. However
D. Although
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