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17/01/2022 16:07:23

Petersaid "I'm having some fruits"

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
8. Petersaid "I'm having some fruits".
9. He said to her: "You are my friend"
10. John said to his mother: "I don't know how to do this exercise".
→ John told
"I have left my watch at home So I don't know the time" said the man.
He said to me: "I don't know you returned so I don't come to see you".
> He told.....
13. Our teachersaid to us: "the earth goes around the sun".".
> Our teachertold...
He also told us: "New York is biggerthan London"
> He also told us...
Bill said: "I can do this exercise right now."
.→ Bill said.
16. She said: "My brother won't let me take his car
> She said
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