Đặng Thư | Chat Online
18/01/2022 15:55:19

If the sun ………(to shine), we……..(to walk) into town

12. If the sun ………(to shine), we……..(to walk) into town.

13. If he……..(to have) a temperature, he……..(to see) the doctor.

14. If my friends……..(to come), I……..(to be) very happy.

15. If she……..(to earn) a lot of money, she……..(to fly) to New York.

16. If we……..(to travel) to London, we……..(to visit) the museums.

17. If you……..(to wear) sandals in the mountains, you……..(to slip) on the rocks.

18. If Rita……..(to forget) her homework, the teacher……..(to give) her a low mark.

19. If they……..(to go) to the disco, they……..(to listen) to loud music.

20. If you……..(to wait) a minute, I……..(to ask) my parents.
giúp mình với ạ, giải thích dùng công thức nào luôn ạ

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