Anna Hoa | Chat Online
25/01/2022 22:30:11

Put the verbs in the correct form

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Bài 4: Put the verbs in the correct form.
1. I'm going to have Michael
2. Her father will not let the girl
3. I made my cousin.
4. I really must get a plumber
5. They ought to have someone
(look) into my laptop to see what is wrong.
(marry) with that poor guy.
(call) her and apologize.
(fix) the central heating.
(replace) the broken windows.
6. The instructor made her students
(write) an essay about their hometown.
7. The boss had his secretary.
8. He may have the car
9. I had already got my hair
10. I'll get Tim
(call) Ms. Mai.
(do) it when he comes home.
11. The students were made
- (come) earlier.
12. I got my mother
(do) it.
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