Mary Mou | Chat Online
26/01/2022 18:51:29

For each question, write the correct answer. Three teenagers talk about their holiday

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
2. For each question, write the correct answer. Three teenagers talk about their holiday
Today our teacher asked us where we are going on holiday and what we are taking with us. I'm going to
the beach with both my parents. I don't need my passport. It wi ll be very hot, so l am taking my swimming
costume and a big towel but not an umbrella. I like my blue towel, it's my favourite colour. My friend told
me to take my camera because you can sometimes see dolphins. I will also take my sweater as it
sometimes gets cold at night.
My teacher asked me about my holiday. I'm going to a house in the mountains with my uncle and aunt. It
will be very cold ali the time, so I will take my favourite blue scarf and gloves. My aunt said there will be a
lot of snow. We are going there because my uncle likes snowboarding. I am excited because I will go on a
helicopter again. We are going to the top of the mountain. I must take my trainers and a good hat!
I told our teacher that I'm going on holiday to the forests in Germany with my father and my brother.This
will be the first time I go on an airplane. We will go to the airport two hours befare the flight. My mum
says it rains a lot in the area we are going to. So, 'll take my blue raincoat which has a picture of a
dolphin on it and possibly an umbrella. I will also take my yellow boots and, of course, my passport.
1. Which person may need to take an umbrella?
2. Which person likes blue more than any other colour?|
3. Which person will need warm clothes during the day? (
4. Which person will have to take his passport? (
5. Which person might see sorne dolphins on holiday? (
6. Which person is flying for the first time? (
7. Which person is not going on holiday with his dad?
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