Trần Đức Minh | Chat Online
27/01/2022 15:16:17

Dịch đoạn văn sau

Dịch đoạn văn sau:
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
9th January
Dear Diary
late for school on our first
keys again! We
Today was a not a good day! We (1)
day back after the holidays! Mum couldn't find her (2)
looked for them (3)everywherend they were on the fridge all the time! Then
Mum said Harry had (4)
we arrived very
comb his hair! We cycled to school but
late and the teacher was angry with us. Our teacher
called Mr Pepper. I don't like him very much. He's always very
unfriendly. After lunch I had my music lesson. My music teacher wasn't happy
(5) was
because I (6) didn't
violin with me. I forgot to bring it to school
so I had to borrow one. Then some of the children in our class (7) Were
very noisy in the classroom so our teacher gave us lots of homework. Now I
can't (8) go
out anywhere this weekend because of all my homework.
I think our teacher was very unkind.
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