Quan Sy Minh Pham | Chat Online
08/02/2022 19:46:53

Read the text and answer the questions

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
X. Read the text and answer the questions.
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Only at the Movies?
Nowadays special effects in films are so sophisticated that we take it for granted that we
can create fantasy worlds that look completely real. But what about all the things that
happen in films that are closer to real life? These are the kind of things that we accept as
true and yet scientists tell us they are not. For example, in films about earthquakes you
often see the road splitting in two with a big crack, sometimes with lava coming up from
underground. Scientists say this is never the case. They say that in reality a crack would
mean that one side of the road would be higher than the other and there wouldn't be any
lava, which is only in volcanoes, Or what about movies where we see the hero knocking
through the hatch at the top of a lift to escape? In fact, lifts hardly ever have ceiling
panels these days because they are so dangerous. Also, if there were hatches they would
be fitted with a switch to disconnect the power so you couldn't jump outside while the lift
was moving as it would automatically stop. So even when it looks real, a lot of what we
see in films really is fantasy and not fact.
A. Answer the questions with a word or short phrase. ai ing bnR tsi sdi best .n
1. What adjective is used to describe special effects in films today?
ho InodT ws
2. What happens to the road in an earthquake in films? I bas oado live o
dhonA gbind od
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