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15/02/2022 08:24:23

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
21. My brother doesn't have a job. He's
A. lonely
22. He was absent from school
B. sick
C. unused
D. unemployed
his illness.
B. because of
23. Where have you been? I've been trying
B. to phone
is going with Alice?
C. as
you for nearly an hour.
C. phoning
A. because
D. for
A. phone
24. Is that the woman
D. for phoning
A. the son of whom B. whose son
C. that's son
D. the son of who
25. I finally finished
A. cooking
26. My sister is very
A. keen
at 7.00 p.m and served dinner.
B. being cooked
of collecting stamps.
B. interested
C. to cook
D. to be cooked
C. liked
D. fond
27. If you leave the cake in the oven for too long, it
A. burns
C. will burn
28. Reading the newspapers is a good way of increasing your general
C knowledge
Thousands of tourists visit it each month.
C. attraction
in finding this place.
C. difficulties
B. burnt
D. will be burning
A. know
29. The town is very
B. knowledgeable
D. knew
A. attract
B. attractive
D. attracted
30. I hope you have not much
A. difficult
31. It is the first time
B. difficulty
D. more difficult
A. I come here
32. He began looking for a job
A. six months ago
33. Jimmy is not.
A. young enough
34. The ghost film we saw on TV last night was not
A. frighten
35. More money
B. I came here
C. I have come here D. I will come here
C. six months
B. for six months
to go to school.
B. old enough
D. since six months
C. enough old
D. enough young
at all.
C. to frighten
D. frightening
B. frightened
in education.
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