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20/02/2022 10:11:30

Give the correct form of the verb in bracket

 II. Give the correct form of the verb in bracket:
6. He always (practise) ________________English for two hours every day.
7. Khoa (like) _______________History very much. It’s his favorite subject.
8. The school’s cafeteria (have) ______________snacks and drinks for students.
9. Thanh (not study) _______________________Physics yesterday.
10. Many people prefer (fly) ____________ to (go) ____________ by sea.
11. I can’t sleep because the children (play)_______________the drum in the living room.
12. Don’t make noise. The baby (sleep) ________________next door.
13. Children shouldn’t (drink) ___________ coffee because it (not be) _________ for their health. 14. Two years ago, she (teach) ____________ at a village school.
15.We can’t go out now. It (rain)____________heavily outside. 

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