Jay | Chat Online
21/02/2022 19:03:19

The tortoise ran faster than the hare at the beginning

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
, The tortoise ran faster than the hare at the beginning.
5. The hare had a rest and slept at the side of road twice
6. The hare wokc up and saw the tortoise bchind him.
7. The tortoise finished the race by himself.
8. The hare was happy and won the race.
PART 4: Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the
sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
David meets a famous footballer!
David doesn't like school lessons very much He loves spart and art but he
thinks maths and English are very difficult His father always told him,
You must study hard at school Subjects like maths and English are
important But David didn't believe him
One day, David was reading his town's newspaper when he saw
something very interesting He went to find his father. 'Dad, look at this!
Some famous English footballers are going to come here to play. It's very
exciting! Can we watch the game? His father was very excited too and
phoned the sports centre to buy some tickets, but there weren't any
Everyone wanted to be there, and lots of people already had their tickets
David was very sad.
Ihe next day, David was at school when his teacher said, 'One of the
English footballers is going to visit you all tomorrow! You can ask him
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