iuebeHieppp | Chat Online
22/02/2022 13:15:49

Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs given

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
IV. Complete using the correct form of the phrasal verbs given.
come round come up with
..! We're going to miss the bus.
come across come along come into
72. When did Jane
73. If you
.. this idea? It's perfect!
that CD, could you buy it for
74. Simon .
a lot of money after his
grandfather's death.
75. It took the boxer five minutes to
after he was knocked out.
catch up with
76. Mike has been ill for a week. He will have to work really hard to
. his class.
call off carry on carry out
77. The match was
due to bad weather.
78. He will never
me. I'm a far better
79. After the earthquake, the islanders had to
with their everyday lives.
. by the World Health
Organization indicate that cities are getting much noisier.
80. Studies ..
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