Kh Ngann | Chat Online
25/02/2022 13:15:27

Choose word A; B; C or D

giúp mình nhé mn
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
the fact that he was not there.
11. We managed to do it,
A. however
12. In the developing world salaries are low.
cheaply that may lead to famine.
A. Although
C. although
goods cannot always be produced more
B. despite
C. Despite
I was feeling very ill, I did not go to the hospital.
C. Despite
B. However
A. Although
14. She refused the job
A. because
B. However
the low salary.
B. because of
C. despite
he has a number of relatives living nearby, he never visits them
C. Although
A. Despite
16. He runs fast
A. in spite of
B. However
his old age.
B. however
C. because
not doing any exercises, she doesn't get fat.
B. because
A. Although
18. I eat a lot of chocolate everyday.
A. although
19. She accepted the job
A. although
C. Despite
being overweight.
C. in spite of
B. however
the salary was low.
B. however
C. despite
we had planned everything carefully, lots of things went wrong.
A. Although
B. However
С. Весаuse
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