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25/02/2022 21:36:35

However thirsty he was, he didn't drink beer

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
22. However thirsty he was, he didn't drink beer.
→ In spite of
23. Although it rained heavily, I went to class on time.
> Despite
24. Bill ate all the fruits though they were unripe.
> Despite
25. The students did the English test well though it was difficult.
> In spite of ...
26. Mr. Buck is still working though he is old.
→ In spite of
27. Although it got dark, they continued their work.
> Despite
28. He didn't stop his car though the traffic light turned red.
→ In spite of......
29. Many people enjoy living in a city, though there is a tremendous amount of pollution.
→ Despite...
30. The old woman told interesting stories to the children although her memory was poor.
→ Despite
31. Despite the fact that I've never worked as a manager, I'm quick at learning new things
> Though.
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences, using although or in spite of.
1. Although I was very tired, I didn't sleep.
=> Despite
2. We enjoyed the vacation although it rained a lot.
=> In spite of
3. I didn't get the job even though I was extremely qualified.
=> Despite
4. Although she doesn't earn much money, she spends like a millionaire.
=> Despite
5. Tom will not pass the examination although he studies well.
=> In spite of
6. Although the salary was low, he accepted the job.
=> Despite
7. In spite of their quarrel, they remain the best of friends.
=> Though
8. In spite of the bad weather, they went out for dinner.
=> Although
9. In spite of his age, he still leads an active life.
=> Even though
10. In spite of his hard work, Ba he failed his exam.
=> Though
11. In spite of the heavy rain, we decided to go to see the match.
=> Although
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