Đức Long Dương | Chat Online
26/02/2022 14:35:29

Underline the correct answers

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
10 He (must, mustn't) use the phone during the movie screening.
Underline the correct answers.
We ( must, mustn't) study hard to do well in school.
2 We (must, mustn't) be rude to our teachers.
3 Young children ( must, mustn't) be left alone in a swimming pool.
4 We (must, mustn't ) wash our hands before we eat.
5 You ( must, mustn't ) leave the classroom without permission.
6 1(must, mustn't ) be polite to my parents.
7 The boy (must, mustn't) take his medicine in order to get well.
8 The students ( must, mustn't ) keep quiet when the teacher s
9 You ( must, mustn't ) set a password for your email account.
10 He (must, mustn't ) use the phone during the movie screening.
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