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26/02/2022 21:05:06

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Ex 1: Complete the following sentences with the
correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I (not be).
2. The people in the café (not be).
was there yesterday.
3. I (leave).
4. It (be).
5. Our teacher (tell)_
6. I went to the shop but I (not have)
7. Susan (not know)
very badly.
8. I (buy).
Ex 2: Complete the following sentences with the past
form of the verbs in brackets.
very happy yesterday.
friendly when I
my school bag at school this morning.
a great film in 2001.
us to be quiet yesterday.
any money.
about the exam and she did
a ticket for the football match yesterday.
1. My father_
Math at university.
2. We were very tired so we_
3. I
to pick the bag up, but it was very heavy.
the woman from the burning house.
4. The firemen_
The cat_
up into the tree.
6. After the film, we_
7. It was very cold so we_
the window.
ten minutes ago.
You are late! The lesson_
9. The teacher_
a lot of questions yesterday.
10. The programme was very funny, we_
a lot.
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