trời lạnh mà có em thì ấm biết bao | Chat Online
28/02/2022 14:57:37

1. My brother is very_

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. My brother is very_
in listening to rock music.A. interested B. amused C. surprised D. amazed
2. Prices of food are very
these days.A. big B. expensive C. increased D. high
3. It's a good idea to see your doctor every six months for a(n).
A. revision
B. control
C. investigation cuộc điều tra
D. check-up
me to phone them before I go out.A. Remind
B. Remember C. Mention đề cập
D. Make
5. Nobody knows what the
of the explosion was nổ .A. source
B. cause
C. reaction phản ứng D. reason
6. He kindly offered to
me the way to the station.A. explain
B. direct
C. describe
D. show
7. That large dog is perfectly_
and has never been known to attack anyone.A. harming
B. harmed
C. harmless
D. harmful
8. The
about travelling by train rather than by car is that you can sleep or read during the journey.
A. enjoyable
B. enjoyed
C. enjoyment
D. enjoying
9. He looks thin, but
_he is very healthy.A. also
B. practically C. actually
D. consequently
10. The
in my school is very strict and the subjects are very demanding.A. uniform
B. discipline C. timetable D. workload
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