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02/03/2022 20:13:22

Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story

IV. Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

One winter afternoon

Sopia and her parents live outside the city where Sophia goes to school. The car journey between Sophia’s house and her school usually takes forty-five minutes.

One afternoon last winter, Mum went to take Sophia home from school. The sky was full of large, dark clouds and Mum looked a bit worried. “Hurry, Sophia!” she said “It’s going to snow!” Sophia  quickly got into the car. They were driving past the city centre post office when the snow came. Suddenly, everything went white! Mum drove more slowly, but at King’s Square, she couldn’t see the road, so she had to stop the car. “Let’s walk to Uncle Frank’s,” she said. “His apartment is very near here.”

They started walking. It was really difficult to walk in the snow, but they got to Uncle Frank’s apartment building and took the lift to the third floor. He opened the door of his apartment, smiled and said, “Come in!” Soon they were warm and dry, and Uncle Frank gave them some lovely hot soup. Later, he went out on the balcony and called, “Look, Sophia!” She went to stand next to him. It wasn’t snowing now, but there was deep snow on the city below and everything looked beautiful “Wow, what a wonderful, white, winter world!” said Sophia.

1.     It usually takes Sophia _______________________to get to school.

2.     When Mum went to get Sophia, there were lots of ___________________in the sky.

3.     Mum felt _________________about the weather when she saw that it was going to snow.

4.     Mum and Sophia were near the _____________________in the city centre when it started to snow.

5.     Uncle Frank’s _______________________isn’t far from King’s Square.

6.     Walking in the snow was ____________________.

7.     Uncle Frank lives on _________________________of the building.

8.     Sophia and Uncle Frank stood on the _______________________of his apartment and looked at the snow.


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