Nguyễn Phương Uyên | Chat Online
04/03/2022 16:05:39

Fill in the missing prepositions

Giúp mình với ạ 
đề là Fill in the missing prepositions 
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
going on holiday next week?
repairing things.
doing the same thing every day.
on sn
101. Are you excited
102. Tom is excellent
103. You get bored
104. I'm sure you are capable
105. Mary is very fond
106. Ann wasn't very keen
going out in the rain, so we stayed at home.
107. Hurry, or you'll be late
108. Were they present
the meeting.
109. Jane was absent
class yesterday.
110. She was confused
the dates.
111. The house was crowed
112. Miss White is very kind
her colleagues.
113. She is accustomed
rising early.
his job.
114. He was successful
115. Tom is very quick
116. I'm rather anxious
her, I haven't received a letter.
117. He was sad
his failure.
118. This country is rich
119. Are you aware
the time.
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