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05/03/2022 10:31:29

Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that fits each blank in the following passage

23. Are you interested between learning English?
24. I haven't written any letters home since two months.
с D
25. The teacher said that she would attend the class meeting following day.
26. If it rains, she will stays at home and watch TV.
В с
V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that fits each blank in the following passage.
By using computers people can do things faster (27) by using other means.
Computers can do any calculations more rapidly than a skilled mathematician. Because a
computer is programmed properly, it can (28)
history of computer science, we can see the great differences (29)
computers and the modern ones. The old computers work much more slowly than the
modern ones. We can use the new generation of computers conveniently because of their
small size and many applied programmes (30)
We can get any sorts of information from the Intemet. These are the reasons why
computers appear not only at offices but also at homes.
accurately. When we look back the
the old
are widely used all over the world.
27. A. more
B. than
С. as
D. less
28. A. work
B. take
C. make
D. walk
29. А.
В. to
С. on
D. from
30. A. who
B. whom
C. which
D. when
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