Ngọc Lann | Chat Online
07/03/2022 18:26:42

Chia động từ

Chia động từ
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
1. I
2. At this time next year, I
_down the street when it began to rain (go)
_an English course (attend)
under the tree when he heard an explosion (stand)
_a bicycle (ride)
in Santiago (live)
3. Jim
4. The boy fell and hurt himself while he
5. When we met them last year, they
6, Tom is watching TV while I (help) my mom.....
7. When you come to my house tomorrow, I (make)...some
cakes for my family.
8. We (have) English lesson at this time yesterday.
9. Look!The children(have)... an English lesson.
10. We (have) English lesson at this time tomorrow.
11. Where are you, Nam? I(do) homework in my room.
12. He still(sleep) this time tomorrow? – No, he(study) in the
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