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09/03/2022 12:49:08

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----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
in fact, no reason for you to bother anything yourselves. You make friends and have a good
time, but there is very little chance that you will really get to know the local people. This is
even less likely on a coach tour, when you spend almost your entire time travelling. Of
course, there are carefully scheduled stops for you to visit historic buildings and monuments,
B. fav
ier usually driv
but you will probably be allowed only a brief stay overnight in some famous city, with a
Which city is
A. large
more fast
polite reminder to be up and breakfasted early in time for the coach next morning.
9. Ba Be Lake is th
A. fresh
You may visit the beautiful, the historic, the ancient, but time is always at your
elbow. There is also the added disadvantage of being obliged to spend your holiday with a
8roup or people you have never met before, may not like, and have no reasonable excuse for
10. Mount Ev
11. We
getting away from. As against this, it can be argued that for many people, particularly the
Tonely or elderly, the feeling of belonging to a group, although for a short period on holiday, is
an added bonus. They can sit safely back in their seat and watch the world go by.
Question 31. When you go on a package holiday, you don't have to .....*
A. arrange anything yourself
B. pay for any extra activities
C. follow the tour schedules
D. travel in an organized group
Question 32. What do you have to do when you get to the airport?
A. get to know the local people
C. go skiing
B. meet the tour operator
Question 33. “Time is always at your elbow". This means .....
D. visit some beautiful places
A. your time always is limited when visiting a place
B. your time is always limited when visiting a place
C. you can take your time visiting a place
D. you can take your time visiting a place
Question 34. In spite of its disadvantages, spending a holiday with a group is particularly
good for ....
A. schoolboys and schoolgirls
B. the lonely or elderly people
C. newly married young couples
D. those who always
Question 35. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. A coach tour is always exhausting.
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