Hoài An Nguyễn Hoàng | Chat Online
09/03/2022 13:42:23

Choose the word having different stress from the others

Choose the word having different stress from the others.

1. A. harvest                          B. parade                   C. music                     D. pumpkin

2. A. offer                              B. prefer                     C. abroad                   D. arrive

3. A. famous                          B. joyful                     C. usual                      D. alone

4. A. exist                              B. avoid                     C. support                  D. notice

5. A. hungry                          B. disease                  C. spacious                D. danger


I.                   Choose and circle the best answer.

1. Many  (cultural/ romance/ disappointed/ annoyed) and artistic activities are held as the part of the flower festival in Da Lat.

2. Nick washes his hand a lot, (so/ and/ but/ although) he doesn’t have flu.

3. At a seasonal festival, people race down the hill to (break/ catch/ buy/ eat) cheese.

4. (When/ How/ Why/ Where) were you born? – In March

5. The end of the film was so _____________ that many people cried.

A. boring                    B. shocking               C. exciting                 D. Moving

6. A ___________ is a film that tries to make audiences laugh.

A. sci-fi                      B. documentary        C. comedy                 D. horror

7. I found the book so ____________ that I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.

A. gripping                B. shocking               C. tiring                      D. boring

8. We found the plot of the film__________.

A. bored                     B. boring                    C. interested D. acting

            9.                                 they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn’t a big success.

             A. However         B. Nevertheless                 C. When                            D. Although

            10.Last night, I didn’t go to bed early                        being very tired.

             A. despite of        B. in spite of                     C. although                       D. because of

             11.      Not many people went to see the film;                       , it received good reviews from critics.

             A. however          B. despite                          C. but                                D. although

            12. We found the plot of the film                   .

             A. bored               B. boring                           C. interested                     D. acting

            13. La Tomatina                       on the last Wednesday of August every year.

                   A. hold     B. held            C. is held         D. be held
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