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09/03/2022 20:38:10

Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
Part 4
- 10 questions -
I had to do that when I was young! Mum said. There was no internet
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on
the lines.
and you couldn't use phones to send messages or find out information.
'No wifi? No apps? No (5)
? That's terrible,
Mum!' Katy said and then she laughed and ran outside and got on her
racing bike.
(6) Now choose the best name for the story.
Tick one box.
Katy gets an amazing new phone
Katy needs to talk to her friends
Katy sings in a special concert
Example Camels have unusual shapes on their backs. These are
are two kinds of camel. The first kind has one
2 hump on,
back and the other kind has two humps.
Most camels in the world live
the weather
is hot and dry – in places like deserts, for example. The people
also live in these places might
camels to carry all their heavy things on
long journeys. These people have.
camels for
thousands of years, too.
Camels can live without food or water for six months and most camels
forty and fifty years! About fourteen
million camels live in the world at the moment.
It is easier for camels to live in deserts
other animals because their bodies are high above the hot ground and
their large feet help them
quickly across sand.
A camel can run across sand really fast.
camels can travel 45 kilometres in one hour.
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