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10/03/2022 17:37:31

Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story

IV.Look at the picture and read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

                                Harry and Emma’s funny dinner

Harry and his sister, Emma, decided to cook the dinner one evening because their mother was in bed. She had a very bad headache. “How about chocolate soup? Let’s make that,” said Emma. “You can’t put chocolate in soup,” laughed her brother. “Mum only puts in tomatoes or chicken and other things like that. Let’s just make some cheese sandwiches and a chocolate cake.” “OK,” said Emma.

First, Harry made the sandwiches. “This is easy,” he thought. “No, we need flour and sugar for the cake, Harry,” said his sister. “They’re on the top shelf in the cupboard.” “OK,” said Harry. “I’ll get some butter and chocolate too. Mum always puts those in the fridge.” “All right,” said Emma. “And bring some of the big brown eggs too, please. We need to put twelve in the cake.”

Emma mixed everything together in a bowl and then put the cake in the cooker. The children were washing the floor in the kitchen when their father arrived home. “That smells great! What is it?” he said and opened the cooker to look inside. “A lovely chocolate cake!” said the children. “How many eggs did you use?” asked Dad. “Twelve,” said Emma. Dad smiled. “It will taste great, I’m sure. Let’s give it a name. How about ‘Emma’s Chocolate Egg cake’?” The children laughed and they all sat down to eat their dinner.

1.    The children’s mother had a ………………………………………that evening.

2.    The children decided gto put ………………………………..in the sandwiches.

3.    The flour and sugar were on ……………………………………in the cupboard.

4.    Harry took the butter and chocolate from the ………………………………

5.    Emma put twelve …………………………….in the cake.

6.    When their father came in, the children ………………………………the kitchen floor.

7.    Emma and Harry’s father looked inside ………………………………….

8.    Dad called the cake ………………………………….

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