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12/03/2022 21:29:17

Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story

Giải sẽ cho nửa xu mk. Ví dụ: 200 xu cho 100'
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
V. Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can
use 1, 2 or 3 words.
Last Tuesday, Sam and his brother Nick went to the beach. They put their towels and
clothes on the sand next to the water and played football. They wanted to go for a
swim, so they stopped playing football and went into the water.
1 Nick has.
2 After they put their things on the beach, they.
3 The boys went into the sea because they
.called Sam.
First, they tried to find shells on the sea floor and sea animals under the rocks. Then,
they saw something yellow in the water. Sam caught it and they swam to the rocks to
look at it. 'It's your towel, Sam!", laughed Nick.
4 The boys looked under the rocks for
5 When they were in the sea,
a yellow thing.
But Nick stopped laughing when he saw his towel and clothes were in the water too.
They had to put on their wet clothes and walk to the bus. Sam had no shoes and Nick
didn't have a T-shirt. The people on the bus looked at them and some people started
pointing and laughing. Their parents were very angry when they saw the boys. 'You
must be more careful', they said.
6 Both boys lost some
7 When the boys got on
some people thought they
looked funny.
8 Their parents told them to
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