Nam Ngư | Chat Online
13/03/2022 12:26:40

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
A. However
they spent a lot of money on the film, it wasn't a big success.
B. Nevertheless C. When
D. Although
26. We didn't find it funny
A. in spite of
it was a comedy.
C. although
that many people cried.
B. despite
D. but
27. The end of the film was so
A. shocking
C. exciting
28. I went to the cinema with my friends yesterday_
C. but
B. moving
D. boring
feeling very tired.
A. although
A. In spite
30. I found the book so_
B. in spite of
D. so
_beginning with a terrible disaster, the film has a happy ending.
C. Although
that I couldn't put it down.
C. tiring
B. Despite
D. However
A. gripping
B. boring
D. shocking
_careful preparation, we have a lot of difficulties in making a new
A. With
В. Ноwever
C. Such
D. Despite
32. The film has a silly plot
many people enjoyed it.
С. Весаuse
A. Though
B. Moreover
D. Nevertheless
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