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13/03/2022 14:09:47

Choose the correct form of the verb in bracket to complete sentences

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k X G Choose the corre X
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i ngữ - động từ.docx
Exercise 1. Choose the correct form of the verb in bracket to complete
1. John, along with twenty friends,( is / are ) planning a party.
2. The picture of the soldiers ( bring/ brings) back may memories.
3. The quality of these recordings ( is / are) not very good.
4. If the duties of these officers ( is / are) not reduced, there will not be enough
time to finish the project.
5. The effect of cigarrette smoking ( have / has) been proven to be extremely
6. The use of credit cards in place of cash ( have / has) increased rapidly in recent
7. Advertisements on television ( is/ are) more competitive than ever before.
8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is / are) at an all-
time high.
9. Mr. John, accompanied by several members of the committee, ( have / has)
proposed some changes of the rules.
10. The level of intoxication ( vary/ varies) from subject to subject.
11. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/ are) going to play tonight.
12. Anything ( is / are) better than going to another movie tonight.
13. Skating ( is / are) becoming more popular everyday.
14. A number of reporters (was / were) at the conference yesterday.
15. Everybody who ( have / has) fever must go home immediately.
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