Thái Duy | Chat Online
14/03/2022 21:50:36

Viết lại câu có sử dụng từ gợi ý

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
I. Finish the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
(2 points )
1. It isn't really worth trying to fly the kite when there's no wind.
2. Graham likes to spend time alone just before a race.
Graham likes to spend time
3. There aren't any good restaurants in this village anymore, are there?
4. "I will make the dinner only if you do the shopping," she told him.
"I will
5. Do you happen to know the time of the next train to London ?
I wonder_
6. The date for the Barcelona Conference is the 23d of March.
The Barcelona Conference
7. It was necessary to send the letters special delivery.
The letters
8. What attracted you to this part of the country ?
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